Summer main courses: ideas and wine pairings

Summer is about variety and colour, even in wine pairings!

Summer main courses: ideas and wine pairings

Date of publication: 20/08/2024

When the temperatures rise and the cooler seasons give way to summer, the table is enriched with tasty and colourful dishes! Not only fresh salads, but also mixed grills, fish fillets, caprese dishes and delicious parmigiana portions, without ever forgetting the right bottle!

The world of reds, rosés and whites has a lot to offer those who want to organise a meal in company: here, then, are the best wines to pair with 5 summer main courses!


It's grilling time (of fish, meat and vegetables) and wine!


Summer is the ideal time to return to grilling and preparing meat, fish and vegetables in the garden or on the balcony at home. There is something poetic about the anticipation of cooking, the aromas released from the grill and the sizzling of the food. An even more atmospheric atmosphere is created when a bottle of wine suitable for the occasion is uncorked.


It all depends on the choice of ingredients. With red meat, a dark berry product is almost a must, especially if it is aromatic and full-bodied like a Bonarda dell'Oltrepò Pavese DOC, fruity and lively, but also suitable for summer consumption without commitment, thanks to its not too high level of tannins. For white meat, on the other hand, you can opt for a Schiava, a less full-bodied wine that tends to be soft and fresh, but equally fragrant.


Grilled fish is the epitome of variety and flavour. Between shellfish, molluscs and fish steaks, it is not easy to select a single wine suitable for the whole meal, but there is no shortage of options. To be on the safe side, you can uncork a bottle of Vermentino, which has all the makings of a perfect match for seafood dishes: an aromatic bouquet that welcomes floral suggestions, citrus notes that soften the intense tones of the fish, and a refreshing flavour with a slightly bitter aftertaste.


And what about vegetables? Vegans, vegetarians and vegetable lovers in general can rest assured: food and wine pairings can also give enormous satisfaction here. The ideal candidate to accompany this type of grilling is a Pinot Bianco, full-bodied and with an irresistible aromatic profile, able to cleanse the mouth of the bitter aftertaste taken on by the vegetables during grilling.


Vitello tonnato: the best wines to pair with summer main courses like this one


vino da abbinare al vitello tonnato



Originating in Piedmont during the 18th century, vitello tonnato is not a particularly original dish, but one thing is certain: it is a timeless classic of summer cuisine!

To what does it owe its great success? To the tenderness of the veal - marinated and served in thin slices - and the tastiness of the sauce, made with tuna in oil, capers, hard-boiled eggs and olive oil (or - in the quicker variants to prepare - with mayonnaise instead of the last two ingredients).


An explosion of flavours, therefore, combining ingredients from land and sea in a single preparation. The pairing of summer main courses and wine in this case must be carefully weighed up, as a product that is too light could suffer from the intensity of the dish.

Make way instead for all those products that stand out for their body and structure, such as a Chardonnay Piemonte DOC. With its full flavour and interesting aromatic profile, this wine not only shares its Piedmontese origin with vitello tonnato, but also its savouriness. Chardonnay conquers at first taste thanks to its fine bouquet and full-bodied flavour.


Aubergine parmigiana: an explosion of flavour!


True, aubergine parmigiana is not among the freshest summer main course ideas, but it is certainly a delicious choice for those who want to consume seasonal vegetables without sacrificing taste. Delicious, enveloping and full of flavour, parmigiana is a real treat for the palate, especially when paired with the right wine.


In this case, the bottle can be chosen with two central elements in mind: the sweet, slightly acidic flavour of the tomato sauce, and the intense taste of the fried aubergines. Of all the wines that can marry both elements - a skill by no means taken for granted - the full-bodied, lively and structured reds stand out above all. On the other hand, it takes a lot of grit to accompany the intense notes of a dish like this!


An excellent choice is to uncork a bottle of Nero d'Avola Sicilia DOC, a Sicilian wine that is elegant and persuasive in its purplish red colour. Fruity on the nose, it offers an unforgettable taste experience in the mouth, thanks to a discreet tannic component and a full flavour that will hold its own with a generous portion of parmigiana.


Salmon fillet, a simple idea to bring the sea to the table


Among the best recipes for summer main courses is pan-fried salmon fillet, seasoned with a simple squeeze of lemon, placed on a bed of rocket, or with the addition of some aromatic herbs, such as rosemary or thyme. Or why not, all three!


A good wine to accompany this recipe must therefore take these variables into account, as well as adapt well to the discrete level of unctuousness of this fish.

The choice may fall on a Bardolino Chiaretto DOC, one of the best rosé wines for summer main courses. With its elegant, fruity aromas and remarkable smoothness on the palate, this product will accompany the recipe with an irresistible freshness, accompanying the flavours without ever dampening them.


Caprese, a great summer classic


Quick to prepare, inexpensive and easy to adapt to summer menus, Caprese is traditionally considered a salad, but is often eaten as a fresh main course. On summer days when the sun is high and meat and fish dishes seem too demanding, this dish is the perfect solution.


Very few ingredients are needed to bring all the flavour of the Caprese to the table: sliced tomatoes and mozzarella (even better if buffalo mozzarella), a few basil leaves (oregano, for those who want a more distinctive aroma) and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to season everything.


So much simplicity should be enhanced by uncorking the right bottle. Among the best wines to accompany a Caprese is Falanghina, the pride of southern Italy, fresh and harmonious. In the glass it expresses all its elegance with its bright, straw-yellow colour, but it is tasting it that reveals its great potential: an aromatic profile with citrus suggestions and a flavour that tickles the palate thanks to its pleasant freshness.




For your summer lunches, bring the best labels to the table. Are you undecided? Let Giordano Wines help you! 

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