"Loris" Vino Rosato

Dry Rosé wine

Dedicated to all those who look sideways at any wine that is not red, and to those who will say yes to white, but absolutely, just one glass. My solution is Loris Vino Rosé. Immediately, you can see that the colour isn't the sinful product of boredom. This is a wine that brings together many images: of air full of summer scents, of flowers and a pleasant evening breeze that ruffles your hair and thoughts. There are no pretences, no lies, nor promises that turn out to be just empty words. Pour a glass and listen to the story that it tells you. Bit by bit, it will break down your resistance. It will be the wine that you will uncork at every aperitif!

11,5% vol
Serving Temperature
Serving Temperature
8°-10 °C
Contains Sulphites
Contains Sulphites

Distinctive, deep and clean colour. Vivid reflections and sparkling legs colour the bright substance with inviting luminous memories. The scent is full-bodied, an almost elusive olfactory profile due to the many suggestions that it evokes. In a word, Loris Vino Rosé is a flower garden on the cusp between Spring and Summer, with tantalising hints of fruit and delicate floral brushstrokes. A tasting test keeps all its promises: pleasant, fresh, sensual and balanced.

Format 0.75 l. (£ 7.99/lt.)
£ 5 .99

£ 9.99

1 bottle (cl 75)   £ 7.99/lt.   (cod. 03210)
Marketed by: Giordano Vini S.p.A. via Cane Guido 47bis-50 12055 Diano d'Alba (CN) - Italy.

It is not easy to imprint one's character on a wine in any way without distorting the characteristics of the grapes and, above all, without giving in to the temptation to do something eccentric to make people talk about you. With time, as wiser people would believe, technique is refined and we get to grips with things. For a different rosé that respects its own intimate essence, one needs to ensure that little colour is extracted from the red grapes, and for limited times. Winemaking needs to have a rhythm, like an orchestra conductor, there are precise seconds in which to add the cacophonous melodies. In short, a balancing act must be made performed that is neither obvious nor easy. And yet, where would all the fun be if there were no challenges to overcome to be successful.

Food Matches

The Loris Vino Rosé has a secret, which isn't so secret: like many rosé wines, if not all, it has a touch of tannin. So subtle that to find it takes extreme skill and a pinch of obsession. This aspect makes my rosé perfect for a wide variety of combinations: cold cuts, fresh or slightly aromatic cheeses, pasta dishes and seafood in general, risottos, vegetables, fusion recipes and forays into exotic and spicy dishes. In my opinion, the pairing to try is with Soprèssa Vicentina DOP, because they don't just go well together, but one can also see the beginnings of an overwhelming passion.


If you drink it like a Barbaresco, you miss the nuances. If you drink it like a Verdicchio, you obscure the sharper traits. The rosé is rosé, it is a third way, it is another world, a different approach, a method and a story from other times and other voices. Keep this in mind and sip it as if you have never drunk one before: you'll feel the cold tingle of violet, the nebulous texture of the pomegranate and its slippery, sapid and eclectic nature that, I'm sure, won't disappoint you.

Production Notes

Bottled by Giordano Vini S.p.a - Diano d'Alba - Italy

European Union Wine


£ 62.54
£ 39.99
(cod. 54506)